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Month: February, 2020

A gay cam a day will make you feel what reality is!

Breaking up with my boyfriend was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do. We’d been together for a few years and while almost everything about him was perfect, there was indeed one flaw that I just couldn’t get past. It all started when I began to enjoy a little no-frills fun with a gay cam stud that I happened to find online.

My boyfriend caught us both masturbating together one night, well, in fact, multiple times now as it stands and he has given me an ultimatum that isn’t going to work out so well for him. He basically told me to stop watching free gay cams online, like is he for real? I never figured him for the jealous type but this is really something else.

The look on his face when I told him to get the fuck out of my house was priceless and all because he wouldn’t stand me jerking off to total strangers online. It wasn’t as if I was ever going to get a chance to fuck these men in person, but he obviously couldn’t see past that. I guess it is his loss now because I am having more fun than ever before, I hope he learns a lesson from this and we all know what that lesson is!